Play before you pay!

The best phablet available!!

The best phablet available!!

Samsung continues to prove that Steve Jobs’ attitude toward innovation is the best way to approach life in the technology industry. How, you ask?

Samsung as released an app that allows people to try out the Galaxy Note 3’s platform BEFORE they buy the phablet.

This would make Steve Jobs extremely proud because his main focus was creating incredible products that people would be very proud to own and Samsung is demonstrating that they are more concerned with customer satisfaction than sales by releasing this preview app.

Samsung consistently releases excellent products and they’ve demonstrated that they are committed to perfecting the great flagship devices they’ve made.

Can’t wait to get my Note 3!!

Sour Apple: Are the Lawsuits Tarnishing Steve Jobs’ Legacy?

apple vs. samsung

Apple has a long history of challenging its competitor’s devices, specifically Samsung, on the basis that they’ve violated technology patents held by Apple.

I won’t go into the details here. Instead, I’m just going to say that this lawsuit is utterly RIDICULOUS!! I understand that one of the arguments Apple is making is that they are protecting the legacy of Steve Jobs, but are they really??

From my limited understanding of Jobs’ personality and work ethic, I see him as a pioneer who welcomed competition because it forced him to stay on his toes and constantly think of new and innovative things. Would he really approve of these ludicrous tactics?

I highly doubt it. Technology patents are pointless, in my opinion, because as soon as you reveal whatever breakthrough technology you’ve worked hard to develop, people in the industry are going to analyze it and think of their own technologies to outshine yours. This is the way of the world.

Think about it for a second. What if Henry Ford’s supporters had done this shortly after his death and had been successful at it? We wouldn’t have the many different car dealerships that give us the freedom to choose the best car for us as individuals.

I think Apple is acting like a 5-year-old who just got punished for doing something wrong. Yeah, losing Steve Jobs when they did was a tragedy. No one in their right mind would deny that. But they are truly insulting him with these lawsuits. Competitors besting your technology should be used as motivation to stay at the top of your game, and not as fodder for frivolous billion-dollar lawsuits.

Is John Legere the new Steve Jobs?


Smartphones and tablet computers are the most important innovation the world has seen in at least a decade. As of October 2013, there are approximately 4.5 BILLION mobile devices being used worldwide and by 2015, that number is expected to EXCEED 7 BILLION!!

You think that the major wireless carriers would be on top of this trend and constantly thinking of new ways to make the devices we are addicted to easier to use everywhere we go, right? If so, you are DEAD WRONG! In a surprising twist, major carriers like AT&T and Verizon Wireless are scrambling to match the genius of John Legere, the CEO of T-Mobile.

In the last couple of years, Legere has been turning the marketplace on its head with his ingenious ideas and larger-than-life personality. We are so used to wireless carriers taking us for everything we have when we agree to contracts with them. I’m sure you know how you have to sign a two-year agreement to stay with a wireless company to get the latest devices at a deeply discounted price. Not only that, these carriers will nickel and dime you any chance they get.

Take Verizon as a prime example. I used to rave about Verizon because of their unlimited data plans that came with their smartphones. Then, they started a media blitz about their “shared” data plans. I never really understood what that meant until it hit my family’s wallet BIG TIME. I remember getting these weird text messages about how I’d used 70, 80, 90% of my allotted data usage for the month. At first I ignored them, but that turned out to be a HUGE mistake. In the couple last months of my contract with Verizon, I got these INSANE bills for $1,100+ and I was flabbergasted when I realized how Verizon had pulled the wool over my eyes.

Those text message about my data usage turned out to be warnings about how big my bill was going to be. In their “shared” plans, consumers get 10GB of data per month, which is a ridiculously low number considering how often we watch outlets like YouTube and Vimeo. Once you exceed the 10GB, they charge per GB and THAT’S how they lost me as a customer.

They are supposed to be in front of the mobile trends and help their customers take full advantage of this amazing technology, but they are more interested in their bottom line.

This brings me back to Legere. As I mentioned earlier, he is the CEO of T-Mobile and he is turning the tables on the wireless industry (the service providers, at least). He is the mastermind behind T-Mobile’s incredible “Uncarrier” initiative. This initiative has three stages.

Stage #1 was ditching the conventional 2-year contract . Stage #2 was their JUMP initiative, where they allowed customers to upgrade their smartphone every 6 months, instead of 2 years, WITHOUT paying the full retail price.

Stage three was unveiled last Wednesday. T-Mobile is now offering FREE international data roaming and text messaging in 100+ countries worldwide. For everyone who wants to travel the world, this is INCREDIBLE news. I remember a few years ago when my sister had to go to China for a conference on psychiatry and Eastern medicine. She was very angry that she wouldn’t be able to use her smartphone in any capacity because of the fees for international roaming fees (for calls AND data usage) and texting fees.

Steve Jobs was famous for his willingness to think outside the box and Legere is definitely doing a great job filling the void Jobs left.