

I’ve been reading up on the newest phones from different manufacturers and I started thinking, “When will we be able to custom-build our ideal phones?”

At first I dismissed this thought, but the more I think about it, the more it makes complete sense to me.

For decades, we’ve been able to go to our favorite car dealer and custom build our ideal car, based off a model they already had. This would be an AMAZING thing for the mobile industry.

In an earlier post, I mentioned how I can’t wait to get my hands on Samsung’s new Galaxy Note 3 phablet and that’s still true, but after seeing some of the new specs on other phones really gets me excited about the build-a-phone idea.

The other day I read an article about HTC’s new One Max phablet and I’m totally obsessed with the idea of getting a fingerprint scanner on my next phone. I know Apple included the fingerprint scanner earlier than HTC, but given Apple’s recent troubles with their OS design upgrade, I don’t know how much I trust Apple to build a reliable phone.

What do you think about the “build-a-phone” idea?