Play before you pay!

The best phablet available!!

The best phablet available!!

Samsung continues to prove that Steve Jobs’ attitude toward innovation is the best way to approach life in the technology industry. How, you ask?

Samsung as released an app that allows people to try out the Galaxy Note 3’s platform BEFORE they buy the phablet.

This would make Steve Jobs extremely proud because his main focus was creating incredible products that people would be very proud to own and Samsung is demonstrating that they are more concerned with customer satisfaction than sales by releasing this preview app.

Samsung consistently releases excellent products and they’ve demonstrated that they are committed to perfecting the great flagship devices they’ve made.

Can’t wait to get my Note 3!!

Samsung better than Apple?

samsung better than apple

There is no doubt that Samsung is becoming the dominant force to be reckoned with in the mobile industry. Their most recent phablets, Galaxy Note 2 & 3, are incredibly popular.

Still not convinced of Samsung’s growing power? Consider this: after Q2 2013, Samsung’s work force was approximately 236,000 and after Q3 2013, the number jumped to 270,000! Apple’s work force, on the other hand, has been static at 80,000.

Considering everything that a Samsung smartphone/phablet has to offer compared to the iPhone, their incredible growth isn’t the least bit surprising.

Sour Apple: Are the Lawsuits Tarnishing Steve Jobs’ Legacy?

apple vs. samsung

Apple has a long history of challenging its competitor’s devices, specifically Samsung, on the basis that they’ve violated technology patents held by Apple.

I won’t go into the details here. Instead, I’m just going to say that this lawsuit is utterly RIDICULOUS!! I understand that one of the arguments Apple is making is that they are protecting the legacy of Steve Jobs, but are they really??

From my limited understanding of Jobs’ personality and work ethic, I see him as a pioneer who welcomed competition because it forced him to stay on his toes and constantly think of new and innovative things. Would he really approve of these ludicrous tactics?

I highly doubt it. Technology patents are pointless, in my opinion, because as soon as you reveal whatever breakthrough technology you’ve worked hard to develop, people in the industry are going to analyze it and think of their own technologies to outshine yours. This is the way of the world.

Think about it for a second. What if Henry Ford’s supporters had done this shortly after his death and had been successful at it? We wouldn’t have the many different car dealerships that give us the freedom to choose the best car for us as individuals.

I think Apple is acting like a 5-year-old who just got punished for doing something wrong. Yeah, losing Steve Jobs when they did was a tragedy. No one in their right mind would deny that. But they are truly insulting him with these lawsuits. Competitors besting your technology should be used as motivation to stay at the top of your game, and not as fodder for frivolous billion-dollar lawsuits.



I’ve been reading up on the newest phones from different manufacturers and I started thinking, “When will we be able to custom-build our ideal phones?”

At first I dismissed this thought, but the more I think about it, the more it makes complete sense to me.

For decades, we’ve been able to go to our favorite car dealer and custom build our ideal car, based off a model they already had. This would be an AMAZING thing for the mobile industry.

In an earlier post, I mentioned how I can’t wait to get my hands on Samsung’s new Galaxy Note 3 phablet and that’s still true, but after seeing some of the new specs on other phones really gets me excited about the build-a-phone idea.

The other day I read an article about HTC’s new One Max phablet and I’m totally obsessed with the idea of getting a fingerprint scanner on my next phone. I know Apple included the fingerprint scanner earlier than HTC, but given Apple’s recent troubles with their OS design upgrade, I don’t know how much I trust Apple to build a reliable phone.

What do you think about the “build-a-phone” idea?

Battle of the Titans: Apple vs. Android

apple vs android

Every year we watch Apple and its Android competitors (like Samsung, HTC and LG) come out with bigger and better versions of their flagship phones to see which platform reigns supreme. Apple consistently won that battle for over a decade, but now Android phones are steadily becoming more popular and I know why.

My first smartphone was a BlackBerry and I jokingly called it CrackBerry because I was constantly using my phone. One day, I unfortunately dropped my phone in the sink as I was doing dishes. Luckily for me, my brother-in-law is a manager at Verizon Wireless and he was able to get my phone update pushed up a little earlier to help me get a new phone. I didn’t feel like spending any money, so I got the iPhone 4 for free. When I had my BlackBerry, I never really understood why people loved the iPhone so much. Once I got an iPhone, I fully understood why Apple consistently and easily beat their competitors.

The iOS platform is fantastic for people like me who are obsessed with technology, movies and music. A recent study showed that the iPhone and iPad have the best touch screen response times. Us millennials will always be obsessed with our mobile devices, but for some reason I was always a little annoyed whenever I’d use my iPhone to watch TV shows or music videos.

To make a long story short, I switched over to an Android smartphone about a year ago and now I believe that the Android phones (specifically Samsung) are the BEST smartphones available right now. The obvious reason is the fact that Samsung is not afraid to experiment with making their screens bigger and better each time. Apple, on the other hand, is FINALLY going to debut a bigger (approximately 5”) screen on the iPhone 6.

Another problem plaguing Apple is their apparent inability make innovative improvements to their newest phones. The biggest problem the iPhone faithful are really angry about is the blue screen kiss of death.

The iPhone’s faithful 5s users have been experiencing a lot of technical difficulties lately. The majority of people have pinpointed the problem to the iPhone’s inability to stop the phone from experiencing the dreaded blue screen kiss of death that we hate dealing with on our computers.

The crashes seem to happen primarily when users are trying to multitask using Apple’s iWork productivity apps (like Numbers and Pages) and Apple’s new multitasking interface. If I still had an iPhone, I know that this would absolutely turn me off to it. As a business owner, I can’t afford to have my technology fail on me like that, especially technology that used to be the most reliable in the mobile industry.

In my previous post about the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, I raved about all of the newest additions to the Note series, but the one I’m most excited to try out is their multitasking interface. I’ve seen reviews where you can use 3 apps AT THE SAME TIME!! Again, as a business owner, this is equivalent to a diamond mine because I always have at least two projects going on simultaneously. Getting back to the multitasking interface, I am not the least bit surprised that the newest iPhone is struggling to make a comparable multitasking interface. The iPhone neglected to integrate multitasking for so long that the recent inclusion is a little puzzling, to me at least. That’s a tangent I’ll save for another day. Having had a Samsung smartphone, I love their multitasking interface. It took me a while to get used to it since I didn’t have that luxury on my old iPhone, but now I’m hooked.